About Us
Founded in 1987, the philanthropic and social club known today as the Saguaros has raised millions of dollars for local Arizona non-profit organizations. Comprised of up to 50 young men under the age of 40, we proudly give back to the community and support children’s charities through our three main fundraising events: NiteFlite, Brokers for Kids and Agents Benefiting Children.
Most important, the Saguaros is unique among service organizations in that it not only raises money for children’s charities, but also encourage “hands on” interaction with the children the club supports. This active participation serves to strengthen relationships with those it serves and create a true partnership with its charity partners. Plus, thanks to our dedicated charitable foundation, all proceeds from Saguaros’ fundraising activities are funneled directly to 501 (c)(3) foundation, with 30% of the funds going into an endowment fund, and the remainder going into a general fund for disbursement to the club’s charity partners.
Braydon Dennis
bdennis@saguaros.com -
Foundation President
Mike Bosco
mbosco@saguaros.com -
VP of Membership
Kael Cheatham
kcheatham@saguaros.com -
VP of Events
Simon Assaf
sassaf@Saguaros.com -
VP of Marketing
Alex Lehman
alehman@Saguaros.com -
Foundation Treasurer
Clayton Wolfe
cwolfe@saguaros.com -
Mike Ratzken
mratzken@saguaros.com -
Life Member Liaison
Steven Cohen
scohen@saguaros.com -
David Stull
dstull@saguaros.com -
Niteflite Chairman
Tad Crother
tcrother@saguaros.com -
Olympiad Chairman
Tyler Carlisle
tcarlisle@saguaros.com -
Tech Chair
Ben Frelka
bfrelka@saguaros.com -
Charities Chairman
Jonah Joffe
jjoffe@saguaros.com -
Tax Credit Chair
Drew Butler
2023 Board & Event Chairmen